After 35 Years Pt 1

After 35 Years Pt 1

As we celebrate our 35 years anniversary as a school community, I am reminded that we are first of all a Christian community which operates as a school. As the years have passed I have come to appreciate the distinctiveness of our School in our basic assumptions and our purposes.

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The primary assumption for the existence of most schools is that their purpose is to prepare students for society. However, the primary assumption for the existence of Pacific Hills Christian School is to bring glory to God. In doing that our School community will prepare our students to become wonderful members of community and society.

These primary assumptions determine the driving force of our operation as a community of teaching and learning. If our primary assumption is to prepare students for society and then what society is and how we interpret society will be the chief factor in how we operate as a community of teaching and learning. That is not a good foundation for our purpose to be fulfilled. If our primary assumption is, however, to bring glory to God, then Who God is and the purposes that He has for our lives will be the motivation, the driving force, the goal of the way in which we operate as a Christian community of excellence.

The beginnings of Pacific Hills, or as it was called, Pennant Hills Christian School, were simple and based largely on faith and a pioneering commitment by a group of men and women who had a vision for what God could do with a Christian school. One of the foundational purposes of PHCS was to integrate children with learning difficulties into the normal life of the school. Another foundation was the decision to employ only committed Christians within a trans denominational framework of thinking and practice. In the book, Vibrant Grace by Dr Noel Davidson, we have recorded many of the salient stories of the first 30 years of the ongoing journey of Pacific Hills. This book reminds us to be thankful, to have faith, and to show love and to express God’s grace in various ways. The School has grown to include more than 1200 students and a staff of over 150.

The current Board of the School is extremely strong in Christian commitment and has a desire to be critically constructive of maintaining and enriching the essential characteristics which were put in place when the School commenced. The School has changed over the years but in many ways it is much stronger in its understanding and commitment to the vision that was there from the start. This growth in quality has been possible by the strong foundations that were set by those who pioneered the School and so we are very thankful for the commitment and energy that was given by so many for so long.

Dr E J Boyce

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Read After 35 Years Pt 2

After 35 Years Pt 2

After 35 Years Pt 2

Our School has always had a sense of being a comprehensive school, providing Christian education in many different areas of the curriculum, and in reaching a wide range of students of varying abilities who are represented in our local community. Additional resources and a high degree of resilience have been necessary to fulfil the responsibilities that come with the challenges that have faced us over the years.

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For more than 20 years Pacific Hills has engaged in a great deal of service to others. As we have been richly blessed with resources that we have been given, both in people and in physical equipment, we have believed that it is important that we share with others that have need of support and encouragement.

The establishment of a strong Missions program has been an important part of our obedience to what we believe God has called us to be as a Christian community. We have sought to obey God’s command as recorded in 1 Peter 4:10, “Each one should use whatever gift received (from God) to serve others, faithfully administering God’s grace in its various forms”. It has been delightful to observe students and adults who have committed to mission through the School, become enriched in their overall lives, particularly in their learning and commitment to excellence in performance.

We have also engaged for many years in tertiary training in Christian education both in Australia and overseas. A specific program that has been established is the Christian Education Development Program (CEDP) by which our staff travel to places of significant need in developing an understanding of Christian education. As our staff have planned to do this and have prepared for training others and then presented their understanding and reflected upon what they are teaching to others, we have seen the deepening of understanding and commitment to Christian education as it is practiced at Pacific Hills Christian School. Many mission teams go out from our School to serve both in Australia and many other parts of the world.

As I look back over my 30 years at Pacific Hills out of the 35 years of existence of our School, I am extremely thankful for the blessing of God to me and to all of us as He has provided for all of our needs and has allowed us to serve others in ways that we could never have imagined. Therefore, we celebrate the goodness of our God and the blessing of living and serving together both at Pacific Hills and beyond Pacific Hills. We celebrate the ministry of Pacific Coast Christian School at Tweed Heads and Pacific Valley Christian School at Townsend on the far north coast of NSW.

As we celebrate the past and the present we look forward to the future under God’s hand for His blessing. As in the past, there will be challenges and with the challenges we receive God’s grace. So totally we need to trust in Him. To God be the glory.

Dr E J Boyce

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Beyond Expectations Pt 1

Beyond Expectations Pt 1

For the 2015 school year at Pacific Hills Christian School, we took the theme, “Beyond Expectations”. The reason for this choice included having a purpose ‘to embed excellence within the fabric of our Christian school community.’

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Our first point of reference was that we believed as a community that our primary purpose is to bring glory to God. Therefore, we will be worshippers of God, acknowledging who He is and His power and His purposes. We acknowledge His sovereignty as the Lord of all and we acknowledge His life which is for all. We accept that He has revealed Himself to us in the Bible and that He requires of us that we act justly, love mercy and walk humbly with our God (Micah 6:8). This will be most likely to happen when we acknowledge that for us there is but one God, the Father from Whom all things have come to us and for Whom we exist; and for us there is one Lord, Jesus Christ, through Whom all things have come to us and through Whom we live (1 Cor 8:6).</br></br>

We aim to go beyond expectations in many areas of life. As a Christian school community, we seek fellowship within our community in a way that makes the teaching of God and Saviour attractive (Titus 2:10). As the famous German Pastor Dietrich Bonheoffer wrote, we live life together because we are one through our common relationship with God through Christ, having the one Holy Spirit indwelling each of us. We show this by loving each other because as Christians we must love one another.</br></br>

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Read Beyond Expectations Pt 2

Beyond Expectations Pt 2

Beyond Expectations Pt 2

As a Christian school community, we are engaged in teaching and learning. Therefore, in our teaching we seek to go ‘beyond expectations’. Therefore, our goal is that we will prepare and plan and present in the best interests of each of our students so that our students are encouraged and supported in becoming good stewards of their God-given gifts and callings.

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In order to do this, we acknowledge that the teacher must be the example of excellence in teaching and through relationships with others, particularly with students. To show Christian love to students in a school means that teachers will edify and encourage and nurture, and at the same time, discipline, correct and rebuke, but always as an act of love for the students. The teacher should seek to have the best resources and equipment that will enable teaching to be effective and productive and valuable.

For our students to achieve ‘beyond expectations’, we need to provide for them strong models of teaching and learning and good relationships founded on thankfulness to God, an awe of God’s creation and a sense of purpose to exercise the gifts that God has given to them. This is an important foundation for learning that will enable excellence to be presented to all types of students.

To go ‘beyond expectations’ in service means that we will serve because of the high calling from God that we have. In 1 Peter 4:10 we read, “Each one should use whatever gift received to sere others, faithfully administering God’s grace in its various forms”. Therefore, we encourage our community to see service as an act of worship through obedience to God’s command. That means we will seek to do good to others by showing them God’s love of sacrifice and generosity.

In essence, ‘beyond expectations’ means that as a Christian school community we will have an encounter with grace. We will receive God’s grace and acknowledge that grace in our lives by exercising it for the good of others.

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Biblical Foundation Pt 1

Biblical Foundation Pt 1

The primary foundation for the existence of Christian School communities is to bring glory to God. To paraphrase the early Church fathers, the purpose of human existence is to glorify God and enjoy Him forever. In 1 Peter 4:11 we are taught that when we speak and when we serve we should follow God’s lead in what we say and what we do so that He will be praised, with our acknowledgement that He receives the glory and the power from all of our endeavours. It is critical for us to understand Christian Education from this foundation so that our presuppositions, basic assumptions and beliefs have a cornerstone that enables Christians in education to have value and attitudes and words and actions that are in the final analysis are accountable to this preeminent purpose.

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To be a Christian teacher is to acknowledge God as the sovereign Lord in all endeavours. It is from God and to God and for God that we have our understanding, our gifts and our commitment (Doxology Romans 11:36). Historically and in our contemporary world, the concept of teaching is variously understood and interpreted as instruction or training or transmission of culture or as a series of developmental steps which are practised to allow learning to take place.

In contrast to this, the Bible clearly shows that another primary element of teaching is to be an example. That is, a person whom others should follow or imitate (1 Corinthians 11:1). My own perspective of teaching from a Christian perspective is that teaching is both modelling as well as training and instruction. This includes transmission of knowledge and skills as well as development of processes of understanding, yet all related to the central purpose of being a teacher, which is to bring glory to God. Christian teachers need to acknowledge that the gifts that they have received are from God, the gifts they have received are to serve others, and in all circumstances, teaching is to be used to administer God’s grace (1 Peter: 4:10).

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