Charity Begins at Home…
“Charity begins at home” is an interesting “proverb” that is often misused. Frequently people argue that rather than help people or communities in the wider world, the family should be cared for first.
This is a twisted truth, that is often used as an excuse not to serve others. What it really means, is that we should learn to be charitable in the family, then we will be charitable in the world. If we have not learned to be kindly servants in our homes and families, it is unlikely that we will serve in the wider world.
Again, we see that relationally responsible thinking and actions arise out of the “norms” of the family or community of which we are a part.
Schools are made up of numbers of different families, therefore these “norms” need to be more explicit, clearly articulated and faithfully practiced. The School Leader has a major responsibility to harmonise thoughts and actions of teachers and support staff such that there is a commonly understood culture.
The Christian teacher will… be concerned with what and how they teach, but of foundational importance is why they do so. It is the latter that should drive their actions as a teacher.”
This understanding of developing ourselves and our students as servants of Christ is fundamental to Biblical Christian education. More later in the series.
[1] Trevor Cairney “Pedagogy and Education for Life”