Hello Everyone,
In the treasure box of God is a profound statement: I will never leave you or forsake you. We live in a world where abandonment is a defining feature. We suffer loss, particularly in relationships and people are more ready to ‘exit stage right’ than to stay when life gets ugly. Coiled around our innermost being is the need to know we will not be abandoned, bereft or rejected. Jesus says I will never leave you or forsake you. There is an irrevocable promise residing in these words. This promise is not dependent on our ability to earn God’s favour or to work hard to secure His approval, enticing Him to stay. No matter what the circumstances are, Jesus will never leave us. Ultimately we will never find ourselves alone in the ruins or shackled by abandonment, because Jesus simply won’t leave us. He will get down in the ruins with us, offering His hand of friendship and the familiar warmth of His presence and love. By His very nature, Jesus is a stayer.
Before we ever face times of difficulty or fear; fear of abandonment, rejection, loss, loneliness or even isolation, Jesus sets His seal upon our hearts, promising to be ever-present, a faithful companion who whispers into our spirits “I am here; I am with you; I am staying; I will never leave you or forsake you”.
So, friends, get His presence on today as Matthew West reminds us that God is the God who stays.
Best days to come