Hello Everyone

I found you.” Don’t you just love the sound of children playing hide and seek? The little giggles, the whispers, the intentional noises, all designed to reveal their hiding spot. Why is that? Because deep down, every person wants to hear the words “I found you”. Everyone wants to be found. We want someone to hear our little whispers and the noises we make, longing to hear those words “I found you.” The desire to be found presupposes the fact that we have lost our way and remain in hiding to conceal our lostness; we have lost the sense or our true humanity, our identities have been shattered and our lives have been adrift like a cork bobbing around on an expansive ocean, with no marker to provide direction. So, we hide the same way Adam and Eve did in response to original sin. The act of hiding is a pattern of our fallen state. We cover up who we really are and wear masks to hide the cracks. We pull in the loose threads, hoping that our frayed lives will hold together. Yet, as much as we instinctively hide, we also long to be found. So, all the time we are hiding and trying to fit ourselves into the confined spaces that conceal our dislocated states, we are making those intentional “noises”, hoping that someone greater than ourselves will locate our hiding place and declare “I found you”.

As in the game of hide and seek, the person who is looking for the one hiding, is continuously searching, and coming closer to where the child is hiding. In the realm of life, that person is Jesus. Luke15:4-6. He is able to find us. He listens to the cry of our hearts and our desire to recover our true identity and purpose. He moves towards us and seeks to come closer and closer. He locates us and declares “I found you”; “you no longer need to hide”. In response to finding us, He puts us back together, restores our humanity, affirms us as His image bearers and reinstates our purpose. Think of the joy and the squeals of excitement when we find our kids in those games of hide and seek. They are not upset or disappointed to be found. They erupt with delight. When Jesus comes into our lives and says “I found you” there is not only relief, there is great delight because when He finds us. Jesus not only declares ‘I found you”, he keeps locating us for the rest of our days until we find ourselves fully restored in his in His eternal presence in the great mansion of heaven and although there will be a million rooms to hide, we will never need or want to hide again.


So, friends, “be found” in Jesus today.

Best days to come.