Hello Everyone,

I am who God says I am! The provocative question, “who am I” is continuously hurled at us, casting a shadow over our value and birthright as a creation of God . It’s “game on” as the enemy strikes at our humanity through a vicious assault on our identity, seeking to constrain us by the prison bars of lies. What better way to keep us from being all God created us to be by inciting a destructive groundswell that resulted in an identity crisis. The voice of the enemy is resounding loudly around the earth with a potent message of disapproval about who we are. The enemy has relentlessly stirred the pot, seeking to seduce us into believing it’s on us to invent our own identities and continuously improve ourselves. Are we good enough? Do we measure up? Are we acceptable? Are we fast enough on the performance treadmill? Have we proved our worth? Question after question to undermine who we are. BUT! Our identities are not contingent on the answer to these questions because I am who God says I am! (Read Genesis 1:27 and 1 Peter 2:9, just for starters).

What a relief it is to understand who we truly are and realise we don’t have to prove a thing. I am who God says I am. We don’t have to invent our identities. We are exactly who God says we are. Our identities are determined  by ‘whose’ we are and how we are made. The fingerprint of God marks us as exquisite creations of God, unique, image-bearers, the crown of His creation and of great worth and value. Nothing can invalidate our God-given identities. Phew, so our identity is ascribed by God and not by the constructs of our own attempts. Well that just took all the wind out of the enemy’s sales. I am who God says I am.

So, friends, get your God-ascribed identity on today.

Best days to come
