Nothing is a mess from God’s perspective. Standing on the intersection of today, yesterday, and tomorrow, looking back, looking around and looking forward we notice the varying shades of life and the transitions that take place. Yesterday life may have been like a steady silken stream of serenity where we felt a little like we held the reigns of control. Somehow, today, the rain clouds may have rolled in, the storm hits and suddenly we are standing in the rubble of our crumbled castles, looking around wondering what happened. All too quickly, everything can feel like a mess as the rogue threads of our lives become frayed. But nothing is a mess from God’s perspective and over on the horizon of tomorrow is a full rainbow that crosses the sky, painting a picture of hope, reminding us of God’s promises and that not one thing under the sun is outside of the realm of God’s control. What appears to be a mangled mess from our perspective is, at no point, not perfectly held by God. His mighty hand envelopes us and every single detail of the good and the difficult. Nothing, absolutely nothing is a mess from God’s perspective.

The realisation that our lives are lived out in the hands of a good and perfect Father brings a comfort and a relief that enables us to look at our mess and know that God is going to make it all beautiful in His time. Ecclesiastes 3:11. Even though our mess can rock our worlds and remind us we are not in control, and the reigns ultimately belong to God, we are always safe and can be sure that nothing is a mess from God’s perspective. It is only God who is capable of not being constrained by mess and only God who is masterfully capable of taking every strand of life, weaving, and knitting it all together for the good of those who love Him, creating a masterpiece at the other end. In God’s world, mess simply means our benevolent King uses what we encounter as a chaos to create a crowning accomplishment in our lives as He leads us out of the slushy mess and onto His pathway of peace. He is not called kinsman Redeemer for nothing. Take comfort today knowing that nothing is a mess from God’s perspective.

So, friends, get your “mess to masterpiece” on today.


Best days to come.