Hello Everyone

My cup overflows. Psalm 23:5. Curiosity begs the question! Why does my cup overflow and keep overflowing in all seasons? The answer to that question is that the One who holds the water jug of living water, Jesus, is both the source and the pourer of every blessing that fills the cups of our lives. He pours out His blessing from the heavenly streams that never run dry. There is no measuring cup with a capped limit of His love and nor does He drip feed us. We, the patron saints of His Kingdom simply hold our royal cups and Jesus pours out His love and blessings, moment by moment and our cups are unable to contain the continuous flow. My cup overflows because Jesus is the source of every spiritual blessing that is bestowed on us as His children. Ephesians 1:3.

Although my cup overflows continuously with God’s blessings, there are times we are tempted to think it is our responsibility to make sure our cups are full with the things we place value on. We shift our gaze from Jesus, the Pourer of our blessings, and set our eyes on what’s in, or not in the cup. We assume the role of the Pourer, thinking we might just do a better job. We are often guilty of picking up our own earthly water jugs, trying to pour out our own blessings in addition to what Jesus pours. We pour from the pools of our own palaces, filling up our cups with the pleasures of this world and wonder why what we are pouring never tips the top of our chalices. When we assume the role of the Pourer, we become thirsty because the things we perceive will fulfil our cups, don’t. Our own attempts to make sure our cups overflow will always pour short of the brim. Every time we try to prize the hands of Jesus off His royal pouring jug, thinking that somehow we are more capable of making sure our cups overflow, we simply interrupt the flow of what will truly ensure our cups are filled and overflowing. What we seek to pour and what Jesus pours are entirely different things. Additionally, we are not qualified to hold the pouring jug of living water. It belongs to Jesus. The focus therefore, must not be what is in our cups but on the Custodian of the royal water jug; the rightful Cup-bearer, Jesus, who will faithfully guarantee that my cup overflows with the abundant blessings He continuously bestows. Let’s leave the pouring to Jesus, the one and only person qualified to ensure our cups are full and bursting past the edges of our lives, saturating every moment and every season we encounter.

So, friends, get your “overflowing cup” on today.


Best days to come.