Hello Everyone

The Son-rise and the promise of hope. There is something spectacular about watching a sunrise. Standing still, waiting, and watching as our all-powerful God lifts the sun, there is a sense of hope as God takes His heavenly paint brush and tips the horizon with those brilliant first colours that cause the sky to blush in colours of orange, yellow and gold. As God paints the morning into being, it is a majestic moment, full of promise for another day of life under the physical sun and life under the Son who authors all of life. The Son-rise and the promise of hope is the signal of a fresh start every time we open our eyes and step into a new day as we live in relationship with Jesus. Romans 1:4.

One of my favourite CS Lewis quotes lays claim to the truth of the Son-rise and the promise of hope. Lewis states “I believe in Christianity as I believe that the sun has risen, not only because I see it, but because by it I see everything else.” The sunrise is a daily marker and expression of God as sovereign creator as it shines like a radiant galactic ball of fire in the sky. Life is visible as the sun shines to light the day. The Son-rise and the promise of hope is the expression of God as redeemer of His creation that allows us to see all of life from God’s perspective which builds our faith and hope. The very fact that Jesus, the Son has risen alters everything in creation and births a hope for restoration of life. Just as God takes the sun and awakens a new day, so too Jesus, the Son, rises over all things in incomparable power and authority as He breaks through the darkness of a broken world with rays of hope that remind the spiritual forces of darkness that He is above all things and rules from his heavenly throne with everything under His feet. Ephesians 1:18-23. But it also reminds us that we belong to the risen Son, Jesus as we live in His light. He sparks our spiritual vision and enables us to know the hope of our calling, and the abundance of our inheritance in Him in all aspects of life under the actual sun. The Son-rise and the promise of hope restores us to life as God intended, producing a hope that remains unique to the risen Son, Jesus.

So, friends, get your “Son-rise” on today.


Best days to come.