Hello Everyone,
Fight, yes, fight the good fight! Media reports heralding the downward curve of COVID can lure us into a false sense of security where we rest on our laurels and let our guards down. But we must continue to fight. This physical reality also highlights a spiritual reality; a parallel track we travel on in our journey of faith that calls us to fight the good fight. 1 Timothy 6:11-12 calls us to fight the good fight and to exchange the riches of this world for the riches of eternity.
To fight assumes something is worthy of the fight; that something valuable is at stake. We notice two words that call us to battle and one word that secures the battle. The first word is ‘pursue’; to go after godliness and godly character (that’s valuable and worth fighting for). The second word is ‘fight’; to offensively engage in the battle and to stare down it’s barrel in the might of Jesus and all He has invested in us. Both words are action words but also faith words. The word that secures us in this battle is our ‘eternal life’. It is a sealed position of victory. Our role is to co-labour with God, in engaging the fight, always knowing our victory is secure because of Him. To fight means we intentionally keep our guard up, continuously laying hold of Jesus.
We have an enemy who is a strategic player, who prepares a precise, targeted assault. If our guards are down, we are vulnerable to these attacks. But, remember, to fight the good fight is to shift the victory curve in our favour.
So, friends, get your fight on today. 
Best days to come