Student Leadership 7

When we recognise that leadership involves and serves the community and operates in a pluralistic manner it becomes a strong witness to the way that God intends His people to live.

People working together model the unity for which Jesus prays. Our living and working together in harmony and collaboration wonderfully points to the unison of the Godhead and the unity that God intends for His people.[1]

Team-based leadership will provide multiple opportunities to show a community of care, support and accountability. The team will reflect the Biblical virtues that arise from our understanding of the nature of God. The team should operate with love and grace and have many opportunities to practically show the fruit of the Spirit.

Discerning the mind of Christ is not something that is to be left to an individual person. With a team approach there can be a richness of differing perspectives discussed respectfully.

Team engagement is also a way to develop future leaders.

The Book of Proverbs tells us that

“In an abundance of counsellors there is Safety… Success… and Victory.”[2]

I think maybe we’ve now made a case against the single, autocratic, all knowing, all powerful unilateral leader.

Maybe we’re almost ready to try to define leadership?

Let’s try a few possibilities. Firstly, a generic, but I think Biblically informed, statement:

“Leadership clarifies purpose and direction and enables a community to use their complementary gifts to work towards an agreed goal”

Leadership clarifies and determines purpose; it moves communities forward towards a goal that is determined by the beliefs and faith of the community. There is a direction and goal in mind. The community is engaged, leadership has a strong enabling function, recognising the giftedness of all constituents and ensuring that the community moves not only with a strong purpose, but also harmoniously.

Does this first attempt at a definition satisfy the principles and understandings that we’ve set out so far?

How does this begin to impact how we see Student Leadership and its development?




[1] John 17:20-26

[2] Proverbs 11:14; 15:22; 24:6