• 1. Teachers
  • 2. Principals
  • 3. Parents
  • 4. Scholars
  • 5. Non-Teaching Staff
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  • 1. What courses do you offer?

    We try to offer a wide range of courses to suit all different teachers. Our current offerings are on our A to Z listing which you can check out here.







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  • 2. Are your courses BOSTES Accredited?

    We aim to offer as many accredited courses as possible. Initially, we are currently seeking accreditation for 3 courses.






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  • 3. Are there any events for leaders?

    Yes! The Aspiring Leaders Retreat is an ideal leaders event. We also have the capacity to tailor make leadership training for your specific needs.





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  • 1. Do you have a Christian Education Induction Course? If so, will you deliver it at our school?

    Yes, and we would love to come and run this course for your school.





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  • 2. Do you host retreats for Principals and other executive leaders?

    Yes, we can host these at your school or offer suggestions for ideal retreat locations.





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  • 3. Is there a network for Christian Principals?

    Yes, if you sign up to our Educators forum you will be part of the Principals Network.





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  • 1. Are there any courses parents can attend to help with parenting adolescent children?

    Yes, if you email our staff we can tell you what seminars are running this year. We usually hold two per year. Please contact us at info@theexcellencecentre.org





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  • 2. Can parents become course presenters?

    We do take on presenters. If you feel you have an experience that may benefit other parents or some specific qualification, please contact the centre. In the first instance we ask you submit a cover letter and CV. Once reviewed by the Director, we will arrange an interview for you.





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  • 3. Is it possible for parents to attend teacher or scholar events?






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  • 1. Do you have any scholarly papers for tertiary students?

    Check out our resource page under scholars.





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  • 2. Are there any scholarly gatherings?

    Yes, we run two per year. Please sign up to our email communications to be notified of these events.





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  • 3. Are there seminars one can attend on issues around research etc…?

    Yes, two per year. By signing up for email you will be notified of these events.

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  • 1. Do you offer customer service training for staff of a Christian School?

    Yes, we can tailor make these courses for your community and can run them both on and offsite.





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  • 2. Do you run courses for staff induction?

    Yes. We can offer this both on and offsite for your new staff as a one off or on an annual basis.





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  • 3. Can you arrange courses on leadership, management from a Christian perspective?

    Yes, talk to us today!





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