Care Conversations 16 – Clarifying Positive Discipline

We are considering a Holistic approach to Discipline. We are suggesting that there needs to be clear expectations and boundaries, a consistent approach to correction and a desired outcome of restored harmony.

Obviously, how we develop an approach to discipline is going to be influenced by the ages and stages of young peoples’ development.

It would be wrong to assume that students in the early stages of schooling innately understand the expectations of respectful relationship, good behaviour and harmonious community. We need to clarify how we might all live in a way that is pleasing to God and helpful to others.

The Biblical purpose of discipline is that we might live righteous lives characterised by faith, obedience and wisdom and develop a community characterised by kindness and loyalty, trust and servanthood.

For very young students, (maybe K-2) we need to teach and model courtesy, respect, caring for one another, sharing and attentive listening – all the things that contribute to a positive culture. We are helping them to understand what this positive classroom culture looks and feels like.

For slightly older students (maybe years 3-6) – we need to continue to model and clarify, good aspects of a classroom culture that encourages shalom. However, we need to progressively add some appropriate explanations for why these things are important. Remember that this is where group interactions are important for students – so set good expectations for group interactions both in and outside of the classroom. We are helping them to understand HOW a positive disciplined environment is desirable and good.

For Middle School (maybe years 7-10) – we need to continue to clarify, explain and explore good and positive disciplinary practices. At this stage young people are moving from an age of “letter of the law” understanding to a “spirit of the law” understanding. They will question why certain expectations are necessary and we need a better response than “because it’s the rules!” They need to understand the reasons behind a positive approach to discipline and find ways to contribute to developing a good culture. We are helping them to understand WHY a positive disciplined environment is good.

For Senior School students – we need to enable them to contribute to the community so that its positive nature is enhanced. We are helping them to understand the value of their CONTRIBUTION to a positive disciplined environment.

CLARITY is the key word.
