Care Conversations 17 – Reinforcement and Correction

Realistically, we need to face the fact that every community has problems with relationships, attitudes and behaviours. How can we firmly, graciously and lovingly deal with people and situations that detract from the shalom communities that we desire?

Some educators suggest that Christian teachers should not be overly dismayed or discouraged over the presence of problems within their schools. The distinctiveness found within the Christian school is not the absence of problems (although through good pedagogy, many can be avoided), but in the manner in which they are resolved. ALL schools have problems…

Behaviour problems can be opportunities for meaningful learning to take place.  The manner in which a teacher deals with a problem can contribute much to the nurturing process…[1]

Our focus then, is how to do we reinforce the attributes of a positive environment, and how do we deal with detractions.

In one of the school systems that I was privileged to lead, we developed a number of Student Graduate Profile Statements.

The preface was: “Recognising that education and growth towards wisdom is a never-ending journey, our schools strive to develop graduates who:

One of the statements was:

“Understand right from wrong and possess the strength of character to act accordingly”

Can you see three components there?

  1. Discern what is right and what is wrong
  2. Have a strong character
  3. Which will cause an integrity of action

Let us now try to team this with the different stages of maturity of students. Firstly, we will instruct what is right and what is wrong, and lead students in good actions.

At the second stage we will encourage them to understand why we should discern right and wrong and live in the right ways; helping them to exercise good decisions and welcoming their contributions.

At the third stage we will help them to seek clarity about why they should discern well, develop good character and act well.

At the fourth stage, we want our young people to discern, think and act with integrity.

Next week, let us explore this further.



[1] Eg Fennema J Nurturing Children in the Lord Presbyterian & Reformed Pub Co 1978