Reinforcement and Correction follows Grace

What we saw last week is that God claims His people and sets about a process of bringing them to holiness. We do not earn our redemption but we are to be obedient to Him as He refines us. He provides us with commands because we will not know that we are living wrongly unless, and until, we know what right living looks like. What is good for us? Only God can tell us.

Behind all this is the love of God – which is far from sentimental or trivial or indulgent:

“Of all powers love forgives most, but condones least: love is pleased with little, but demands all.” [1]

What a joy it is that God cares for, and delights in, His people so much that He lovingly disciplines us towards righteousness!

If we are simply told the list of ways that we are to love God and love people; then we are limited to that number of ways.

If instead we’re commanded to Love God and to Love people – and that loving has to take place within the boundaries of the ten commandments, then the practical outworking of that love will be different and varied and rich according to our gifts and creativity as long as the boundary is not crossed.

Let me try to explain this through an example:

The command DO NOT commit adultery is a clear prohibition. It is the denial of a covenant relationship before God and between people. We are called to love God and love one another because we are image bearers of God

Adultery is idolatry. It is dismissing, ignoring, violating a covenant relationship. Synonyms of adultery include terms like cheating, infidelity, and unfaithfulness.

Remember the big picture context Love God – Love People. This seventh commandment has a major focus on loving people.

The Bible does not give us an exhaustive list of ways to do that. Do I care for those who are poor, disabled, mentally challenged? Do I cook meals for people? Do I take people out for a road trip? Do I offer to do housework? Do I contribute financially, do I offer emotional support, counselling…? It all depends upon our gifts, our calling, our opportunities. But the boundary is clear – love people in every creative and meaningful way possible – BUT do not be adulterous – do not abuse covenant relationship.

So here is the summary: I am called to love God and love people and live within the boundaries that God determines.

All well and good, how does this help me to correct a naughty year three student? We are coming to that soon.



[1] Lewis CS – the Problem of Pain – Reprint 2016 Samizdat University Press Quebec